We know that sharing knowledge is the key to developing more sustainable agriculture. That’s why, we’re making our expertise in sustainable agriculture available to our producers, processors, educators and all those involved in agricultural production, as we follow our commitment to reach 100 million smallholder farmers. Our virtual training course on Good Agricultural Practices does just that, and is available at no cost for you to learn more about how to manage your farm effectively, while minimizing risks to the health of your workers, enabling food safety and caring for the environment.
Good practices that meet demands
If you’re wondering what good it does to learn about good agricultural practices, the answer is very simple: It’s the key that will open the door to markets with new consumer trends. You’re asking what trends? – Take your local supermarkets for instance, have you noticed that more consumers read the quality labels on products while shopping? A quality seal can be a reason for that product ending up in the shopping cart.
Behavior like this indicates that today's consumers are increasingly interested in healthy foods , that are produced with respect for the environment and the well-being of workers. Good agricultural practices seek to meet all these requirements in the field, from planting to harvesting.
This is where the importance of producing food using good agricultural practices becomes relevant: For fruits and vegetables to earn these types of labels or seals, the producer must first comply with a series of requirements or standards in good agricultural practices that guarantee the transparency of its production. In our training section you can learn more about what we mean by good agricultural practices.
BPA training at your fingertips
Thanks to the great collaboration with the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), we have been offering our BayG.A.P. online course since 2018. More than ever before, we experience that the online channel has become a great ally for many companies – enabling education to continue despite the pandemic. This situation has provided our impetus for redesigning the format of our course, making it more dynamic, interactive and above all, more inclusive.
Our virtual training on Good Agricultural Practices is revamped and consists of modules that address topics such as GAP in farm management, pest management, irrigation systems, food safety risks, among other key topics based on BayG.A.P. training content.
This training is currently available in Spanish, and since it is open, free, and virtual, it allows you to choose the days and times that best fit your schedule no matter where you are in the world.
Bringing knowledge directly to the field
The course is based on short videos, giving you the opportunity to learn directly from field specialists from different international institutions such as IICA, GLOBALG.A.P., Netafim, Senasica among others. At the same time, you’ll benefit from its practical approach, that allows you to implement our recommendations on good practices in your farm and apply them straight away. Likewise, we know how important it is to learn from experiences, that’s why, you will be able to share your comments through the training forum, make suggestions or voice doubts to learn from different producers around the world. We are eager to hear from you!
And because we know that each grower, crop and farmer is unique, we have included different communication channels that will allow you to contact our field experts and make your inquiries in a more personalized way.
At the end of each module, you will be able to obtain a certificate of participation by achieving at least an 80% pass rate on the exam.
Good practices that pay off
The knowledge of good agricultural practices that we teach in this course will benefit all of us:
On the one hand, you and your family will obtain healthy and quality food to ensure they get a nutritious diet. Equally important, you will generate added value for your products, that allows you to open doors to more markets to sell them. On the other hand, you will have happy consumers, since they will enjoy better quality and safer food, produced on your farm in a sustainable way. In the end, we all win, as the entire population at large will be able to enjoy a better environment.
Start training now! - Our first two modules "Site History and Site Management" and "Integrated Pest Management" are already available on IICA's e-learning platform ready for you to register.
Many of our participants are sharing their experiences in a positive way:
Learn more about BayG.A.P.'s virtual trainings and click here to access IICA's platform. You will also find many other free trainings that we are sure will be of interest to you.